Karley Mastin Karley Mastin

It’s GO Time!

Yesterday I had an appointment to see if we were still set to have our transfer day next week. The answer is YES! Everything looked GREAT!

After 10 years, we will finally be PREGNANT! Thank you all AGAIN for all of the support, love and prayers you have sent our way.

Apparently, french fries bring good luck after a transfer… we aren’t very superstitious people but hey, couldn’t hurt. So if you’re feelin’ up to it and want to send us some good luck, eat some french fries for us next WEDNESDAY!

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Karley Mastin Karley Mastin

FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer)

In 20 days we will be “PUPO” or pregnant until proven otherwise. We are SO so very excited.

Yesterday I had my baseline ultrasound in Minneapolis. These appointments are definitely less stressful than the previous ones. We are looking for a healthy uterine lining, right now everything is measuring right on track.

I also had a doctors appointment with my primary doctor (the wonderful Nancy Burmeister at RLMC) today! We went over bloodwork and next steps if the implantation is successful. I kept asking if there was ANYTHING wrong.. she reassured me that I am all ready for a healthy pregnancy. I think I asked 100 times… everything is going so smoothly that in my mind, surely something had to be wrong. We trust that this is all God’s timing and HE is the one guiding us. He is the one making this possible.

As always, thank you for the continued prayers…we feel it. We are loved and so blessed.

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Karley Mastin Karley Mastin

The Results Are In…

Our doctor called on Monday with our results of our PGT testing! 3 of our sweet baby embryos made it to the ‘euploid’ stage. This is an embryo that contains a normal number of chromosomes.

I start a new medication protocol on July 31st. My baseline ultrasound will be on August 9th with a follow up on August 23rd. TRANSFER DAY is scheduled for August 30th!

God has truly been so present during this process. We are feeling so blessed with how everything has gone. Send all the prayers you can during this last part… We couldn’t do this without you all! LOVE YOU!

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Karley Mastin Karley Mastin

Final Baby Blasts

THE RESULTS ARE IN! We have 6 little embryos that made it to the blastocyst stage, the final stage before they are frozen. They all have had their tiny microscopic biopsies and everything went GREAT! Due to the holiday tomorrow they are holding off on shipping the biopsies until Wednesday.

My next update will come directly from my Dr. We will know how many embryos are good for implantation! I will begin the preparation process this month for transfer day - aiming for end of August or early September.

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Karley Mastin Karley Mastin

Day 5 of Life

ANOTHER great report from our embryologist today!

7 little baby embryos are still thriving! Here are the results of the 7 - 2 are at the “pre-blastocyst stage” which is also called a morula. This is great news, they will most likely completely develop into blastocysts and be ready for biopsy tomorrow. 2 are in the “12 cell stage” which is ALMOST to the morula stage - these little ones should be ready for biopsy on Sunday. The last 3 are in “10 cell stage” and hopefully they pick up the speed a little bit.. They could have more movement even by the end of the day. These would be ready Sunday/Monday for biopsy.

Long story short, we are very VERY hopeful with the number of embryos that have survived this long <3 Strong little babies! They are about the size of a poppy seed right now!

10/12 Cell Stage

Morula Stage

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Karley Mastin Karley Mastin

Day 3 of Life

THEY ALL MADE IT! All 8 of our sweet little embryos GREW!

Our embryologist said that 6 of them are “exactly where we expect them to be”. They will call and give us another update on Friday. We are so thrilled with this information, I can’t even describe the feeling.

We would also like to give the most heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who has prayed for us and donated to our cause. It’s a shame that insurance doesn’t cover ANYTHING when if comes to IVF or any of the fertility treatments we have tried over the last 10 years. YOU all have given us the opportunity to continue this process with a little less stress. The funds that were so generously donated will cover the last part of our IVF journey.

The FET (frozen embryo transfer) itself costs $5,100. The testing is another $1,900 and medication is $1,500. Again, we can’t even find the words to express our gratitude. WE LOVE YOU.

Until Friday <3

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Karley Mastin Karley Mastin

Day 1 of Life

Our embryologist called! Of the 12 eggs they retrieved yesterday, 10 were mature and 8 fertilized! We are ESTATIC! I truly can’t believe that we have made it this far.

Our next update is on Wednesday - pray these little babes keep growing! We are joking that our first babysitter really charges a lot for their services ;)

Also a HUGE giant giant THANK YOU to everyone that has sent a prayer, well wishes and donated to our cause. We are speechless with the overwhelming amount of support.

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Karley Mastin Karley Mastin

Retrieval Day

Retrieval Day

WE DID IT! Today was retrieval day. After being on many different medicines over the past two weeks, today was the day that I (Karley) had a surgery to retrieve the eggs that have grown.

It was terrifying. I honestly was most scared of being put under anesthesia. Turns out I had nothing to worry about… Tonight I am in a little bit of pain but that is to be expected.

This part of the process is a waiting game now. They retrieved 12 eggs. We do not know at this time if they are considered “mature” or not. Our embryologist will be calling tomorrow (6/26) Wednesday and Friday for updates.

We cannot thank you enough for all of the prayers and messages of support. We love you.

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