Day 5 of Life

ANOTHER great report from our embryologist today!

7 little baby embryos are still thriving! Here are the results of the 7 - 2 are at the “pre-blastocyst stage” which is also called a morula. This is great news, they will most likely completely develop into blastocysts and be ready for biopsy tomorrow. 2 are in the “12 cell stage” which is ALMOST to the morula stage - these little ones should be ready for biopsy on Sunday. The last 3 are in “10 cell stage” and hopefully they pick up the speed a little bit.. They could have more movement even by the end of the day. These would be ready Sunday/Monday for biopsy.

Long story short, we are very VERY hopeful with the number of embryos that have survived this long <3 Strong little babies! They are about the size of a poppy seed right now!

10/12 Cell Stage

Morula Stage


Final Baby Blasts


Day 3 of Life